
Published on 20 May 2024 at 17:04
Player Austin Horseapple
Color Dark Green Player
Status Alive

Basic Info

Age 48
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Cis/Bi
Species Human
Height 5″ 10″
Weight 180 lbs

Character Sheet

Edition Starfinder
Class Solarian
Path Solar Weapon
Alignment Neutral Good
Weapons(s) HIS FISTS (and his solar weapon I guess)
Special Items None

Family Tree

Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Children Unknown
Extended Unknown


One of the 5 player characters in The Last Light and StarMinis Played by our friend and guest Austin.

Dwayne was once a proud squad leader of the Iron Suns, a small group of pirates and mercenaries that tried to stick it out against the Galvies.

After the fall of the Iron Suns he had gone into retirement to focus on family. With the Empire gaining traction and oppressing more people, he’s come out of retirement to


Coming Soon.


  • Dwayne is the fun uncle.

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