Hey everyone. This update has been a long time coming, and incredibly painful for me to write. But I think it needs to be done if we are ever going to truly bounce back again.
As you all know I went back to school 2 years ago in an effort to secure a life for Leia and I. It's no secret we were born and continue to exist in lower class/poverty; we have no inheritance waiting for us - the homes our parents reside in belong to other relatives with no guarantee they will give them to us (even though they are supposed to) and the only one with life insurance is my father at an amount that is less than my college tuition is costing me.
I never wanted to be rich and I had always hoped my 3D degree and Fierce Ferrets was our future into a stable - modest living. The truth is though, very few can hinge living on a dream in America. Not even my degree, graduating valedictorian, was enough to get me anything. Maybe I could have worked harder, maybe I could have saved better to move to a better place for that kind of work, or maybe I was just always destined to fail going against Luck.
Fierce Ferrets did so much better than we ever expected, being successful enough to be full-time freelance for 5 years until the pandemic eventually crushed it - an accomplishment not every Creator can say they experienced. Now, we currently make less than 1/4th what we did in 2019, which is why I had to find work on 2021 because it is just not enough to live. And you know the rest.
That brings us to now. So, what is the future of Fierce Ferrets?
Well, we are not shutting down or giving up. We have so much planned for DungeonMinis and Beelzebud, and even new comics like Midnight Museum and games like Monster Den... So much we want to do.
But as of right now? The honest truth is.. not much is happening the next 2 years until I graduate.
Streaming and YouTube are going to be the most viable media to work on while I have classes. I will still be writing Midnight Museum and probably making things here and there (shop stuff, strips, concept art, w/e) and there, but ultimately there will be blocks of time between work and school I will not be able to do anything Fierce Ferret related.
The take way really is; until 2026, there is no time tables on when anything comics/games is being released. This is the freedom I need to ensure follow through on my education, and secure a financial future that allows Fierce Ferrets to continue.
And I hope that, for you guys, 2 years is a small price to pay.
For subscribers, the only reward suffering right now is postcards as I'm already a year behind, badges are basically complete and just need to be printed/mailed. If anything, y'all will be the only folx seeing any work during this public hiatus.
A new road map will be going up soon laying out our plan in phases, rather than by month/time, which will allow to track our back end work and what you all are supporting, even if you don't see any physical fruits of labor.
I love our community, I love our business. Like I said in the beginning; writing this was one of the hardest thing I've had to do, knowing I have to basically step back, and feel the fear of being forgotten or pushed aside - the biggest fears of any creative. But I also believe in quality over quantity, so, this is something I need to do.
And I guess that's that. It's been a long journey, and I want to give a very heartfelt and special thank you - especially for the support during our fish-a-thon, which is needed now more than ever as our income just took another massive hit for the next year (debt consolidation update - chase is relentless)
Love your faces. I hope you see you around on the discord.
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