Located in the mysterious Bunker93, Fierce Ferret Radio has a mission to keep civilization civilized!
Whats more important to bring folx together than knowing what’s going on in the world, and having quality entertainment?
And of course we can’t forget about 900 adorable ferret mascots!
- Leia the Gothfox (Radio Host and Lead Writer)
- BATJEN (Radio Host and Director)
- Jack Mason (Assistant Writer)
- Daekon Frostgrave (Radio DJ and COTV segment host)
- Sandwichmaster5000 (Producer & Cheer-Squad)
- NyteShyde (Historian and Fact Checker)
- Hallama Prime (Board Operator)
- Sir Bradley Pandalton, Knighted Mathmatics Engineer (Broadcast IT/Support Engineer)
- Reaper (Public Relations and Sentient Life Resources)
List of live shows you can listen to on Fierce Ferret Radio, station 93!
- Adventures of the Gray Goose
- Call of the Void [HAITUS]
- Coffee & Conspiracies
- Drunk Fandom
- Multiversial
- The Last Light [ENDED]
- Live Broadcast News: Every Friday at 7pm EST!
- Sunday Scaries with Bat and Leia!
Fierce Ferret Insider
A newspaper circulated in Bunker93 and the outside town. Below are the listed columns you can read!
- DungeonMinis (comic)
- Beelzebud (comic)
- StarMinis (comic) [ENDED]
- The Midnight Museum (comic) [Coming Soon]
- News Columns
- Game Dev Column
- Paid Subscriber Columns
Coming Soon
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